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Our Mission is to recognize and exhibit, through public education, the historic contribution of Asian American who served in the United States Armed Forces, protected and defended American freedom in Wars, and to further promote racial diversity in the United States.

Who We Are

The National Organization of Asian American Veterans (NOAAV) is a 501(c)(3) American non-profit organization, led by Asian American Veterans. We are dedicated to serving over 310,000 Asian American Veterans in the United States, improving their quality of life by being a key resource, and advocating their historical contributions. Grounded in the belief that all Asian American Veterans have earned the right and privilege to the American Dream, our mission is to assert ourselves to our fellow Americans: Asian Americans are a part of the United States, a part of American history, and we are a group that does consistently contribute to American society. 

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Founder's Message

Peter M. Chow, Founder and President

Coming back from The Vietnam War and seeing how Asian Americans fought for freedom, I always dreamed of demonstrating their contributions and genuine love for this country. NOAAV honors the sacrifices of Asian American Veterans in service to America and the positive impact they have made. Through various programs, local chapters and public education, we aim to recognize and exhibit the significant contribution of Asian American Veterans who protected and defended American freedom in wars, and to further promote racial diversity in the United States.

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